Bridging Beliefs: An AI based Text-Mining Approach to Understanding Christian and Islamic Cultures

P.I. — MinJae Woo, Kennesaw State University

The relationship between religion and culture shapes societal norms, values, and people’s behaviors. Religions, often ingrained since childhood, defining social conduct and shaping individual values. Christianity, having served as the religion of the Roman Empire for nearly fourteen centuries, has not only been a cultural cornerstone for Europe but has also influenced into Asian countries. Meanwhile, Islam, with its roots as a state religion in Middle Eastern nations, exhibits an influence on the cultural fabric of the region. Despite sharing an identical root, Christianity and Islam diverge in their perspectives on social, economic, and theological concepts. In the modern era, tensions often arise between people two religions, particularly when one group migrates into the other nations. Recognizing the need for global understanding to mitigate conflicts between these religious and cultural groups, this project aims to collect text data from Islamic media websites, such as Al-Jazeera and Christian news broadcasts like CNN. Leveraging data mining techniques such as DBSCAN, the analysis uncovers insights contributing to a collective view of these cultures. By analyzing text data, the project aspires to delineate the nuances and commonalities within the cultural narratives of Islam and Christianity cultures. This approach not only facilitates a deeper comprehension of their respective worldviews but also provides a foundation for mutual understanding in the global society.

The goal of the project is to promote harmony among people by bridging cultural gaps of Christian and Islamic cultures. It addresses challenges faced by people experiencing cultural shock due to migration, and travel. For instance, it offers insights on sensitive topics and comprehending cultural behaviors. The project provides guidance for individuals converting religions, helping them navigate challenges and understand the philosophy of their newly adopted faith.